Accommodation Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?
Step 1:
Type the location (city, country or hotel) you wish to visit.
Select the check-in and check-out dates.
Select the number of adults and children you wish to make a reservation for.
Click "Search".

Step 2:
Browse through the available options. Click the "View Deal" button located under the information and photo featuring the hotel of interest.

Step 3:
Select the room that fits your needs and budget, and click "Book".

Step 4:
Fill out the required fields and click "Book". Your reservation will now be processed.
What happens when I make a reservation?
Once your reservation has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email with the necessary details.
I am travelling overseas, can I also book Accommodation in other countries?
Yes. Reservations can be made at various locations in South Africa as well as international locations.
I've already made my booking but I want to extend my stay, is that possible and how would I pay for the extra nights?
If there is availability, it may be possible to extend your stay. You would have to send a request to extend your booking to the relevant service provider.
Can I pay on arrival?
This will depend on the Accommodation of your choice. Some service providers will only enable us to confirm your booking and secure your room if you provide full payment when you book. Other service providers will allow you to pay upon arrival. It is best to check with the relevant service provider before booking your Accommodation .
How do I pay the fees?
The fees can be paid by card payment.
How do I cancel my reservation?
Cancellation methods depend on the relevant service provider. More information on the cancellation policy will be provided in the confirmation email.
Will I get a refund if I cancel?
This may differ according to the chosen Accommodation. Look for the "Free Cancellation" tag under the hotel offer to make sure that the reservation can be cancelled. Please also check your confirmation email for details.
Can I book more than one room at a time?
Yes, you can reserve multiple rooms at a time. After selecting your travel dates, please select "More options…" from the "Guests" drop-down list. Then select "Add another room".
When can I check in?
Check-in is generally from 14:00 onwards on the day of arrival. However, this may differ according to the chosen Accommodation. Please check your confirmation email for exact check-in times.
When will I need to check out?
Check-out is generally by 10:00 on the day of departure. However, this may differ according to the chosen Accommodation. Please check your confirmation email for exact check-out times.
Do I need to provide any documents?
You won't need to provide any documents during the booking process. You simply need to provide your personal details and your credit card information in order to make payment.

When checking in, a valid form of identification is always needed. When travelling within the borders of South Africa, your green barcoded ID document or driver's license should be accepted by most service providers. While travelling abroad, a passport is likely to be accepted in most countries.

Some service providers can also require you to take along the credit card used to complete the reservation. And, even if not common, some hotels may require a reservation confirmation, so it is good practice to take along a digital or paper copy of this document. Regulations for check-in change from country to country, so check with the chosen service provider to ensure that you have all the necessary documents.
I'm looking for something specific, can I refine the search results according to certain criteria?
Yes, you can filter search results according to the following criteria:
  • Star rating;
  • Price range;
  • Places;
  • Property type;
  • Guest rating;
  • Hotel features;
  • Theme; or
  • Hotel chain.
I've selected a room, how will I know if it's available?
Only available rooms will display on
Is it safe to pay for my Accommodation online?
Yes. Nothing is more important than the privacy and integrity of your personal information, and our secure servers are built and maintained to do just that. We do not keep or store your credit card information after your transaction is complete.
What credit cards are accepted?
The card types accepted will be listed in the payment details section of the selected Accommodation.
Is the room rate per person or per night?
All rates displayed are nightly, and based on double occupancy per room unless otherwise specified. Please review the number of guests under the room type to ensure that your entire party will be accommodated. Additional charges may apply for guests not listed under the room type.
I've typed in the correct credit card number but the transaction has not been approved. Why?
There are a few possibilities:
  • Your credit card type is not accepted at the hotel.
  • The credit card expires prior to the reservation date.
  • You have reached your credit limit.
  • There is a computer error.
Is there a cost for using
No, is free to use. Keep in mind that you can also source free quotes on various other personal finance products like Car Insurance, Life Insurance, Medical Aid and more.
Are taxes included in the price displayed?
The quoted price will indicate whether taxes and miscellaneous charges/fees are included.

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