Hippo - Frequently Asked Medical Insurance Questions

What is Medical Insurance?
Medical Insurance is an insurance product that provides cover for hospitalisation, day-to-day medical expenses or both. Traditionally, Medical Insurance pays out a set amount for each day spent in hospital. The payment will stay the same, regardless of the type of treatment that's required or which healthcare provider you use. The amount is paid out to you and not to the service provider/hospital, which means that you can decide how the money is spent. It can be used to pay for your treatment in hospital or to fund expenses incurred whilst in hospital.

Depending on the policy that you choose, Medical Insurance can also provide cover for day-to-day medical expenses like doctor's visits, medication for colds and flu, or trips to the dentist.
What is the difference between Medical Insurance and Medical Aid?
When deciding between Medical Insurance and Medical Aid, it is important to understand that they are two very different products offering different types of cover. The table below illustrates the main differences between Medical Insurance and Medical Aid.

  Medical Insurance Medical Aid
Type of cover Traditionally, pays out a lump sum for each day spent in hospital. Provides unlimited in-hospital cover. In some instances, a yearly limit can apply.

Can also provide cover for day-to-day medical expenses.
Extent of cover Provides in-hospital cover only. Pays out a set amount for each day spent in hospital. This amount won't differ, regardless of the type of treatment that's required or which healthcare provider you use. Provides in-hospital cover and pays for treatment according to the cost of the condition which you may suffer from. Depending on the chosen option also provides cover for day-to-day medical expenses.
Payment for in-hospital expenses Payment is made directly to you and you must settle your own accounts. The reimbursement can be used to pay for the cost of medical treatment or to pay for other daily expenses while in hospital. Payment is usually made directly to the hospital and/or service providers.
Cost Medical Insurance is usually slightly cheaper than Medical Aid. Medical Aid is usually more expensive than Medical Insurance but includes more benefits/cover.
Eligibility With Medical Insurance, potential members can be turned away. The monthly contributions are calculated based on risk and the potential member's age, health status and/or income are taken into account. Anyone can belong to a Medical Aid and the monthly contribution is the same for all members regardless of age or health status.
Emergency care In an emergency/accident, you'll first have to pay a deposit before you're admitted to a private hospital. In an emergency/accident, you'll immediately be taken to one of the hospitals in the medical scheme's network.
Cover for Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs) The law does not require Health Insurance providers to include cover for Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs). Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs) refers to a list of approximately 270 medical conditions that medical schemes need to cover in full, regardless of the particular plan you're on.
Additional cover Some Health Insurance providers also include Funeral Cover, and personal accident and disability cover. Medical Aid schemes are not authorised to include Funeral Cover or personal accident and disability cover.
Tax deductibility No tax benefit. Medical Aid contributions are deductible for tax purposes.
Regulating Act Short-Term Insurance Act Medical Schemes Act
Regulator Financial Services Board Council for Medical Schemes
How does the quoting process work?
Comparing Medical Insurance quotes on Hippo.co.za is a simple 2-step process. Here's how it works:

Step 1:
Simply enter your personal details on Hippo.co.za and tell us who you need cover for. Then, select whether you also require hospital cover and whether you would prefer to use a doctor of your choice or one on the Medical Insurance provider's network. Once you're done, select the "Next" button at the bottom right of the screen.

Step 2:
Compare the prices and benefits of multiple Medical Insurance quotes side by side. Once you've made your choice, select "I'm interested" and a qualified consultant will contact you.

Why do I need Medical Insurance?
The rising cost of healthcare doesn't mean that you should be without any cover. Medical Insurance is usually slightly cheaper than Medical Aid and pays out a set amount for each day spent in hospital and/or provides cover for certain day-to-day medical expenses. A Medical Insurance policy can help cover the costs should you or your loved one need medical care or can be used as a top-up product for when your Medical Aid savings have run out.
How much does it cost?
There are various Medical Insurance policy options available. Luckily, you can compare multiple quotes all in one place using Hippo.co.za. Compare quotes side by side and find the Medical Insurance policy that suits your needs and your pocket.
Who are the network hospitals and/or doctors (Designated Service Providers/DSPs)?
This will depend on the chosen Medical Insurance service provider. With most Medical Insurance policies, a set amount is paid out for every day that you are hospitalised regardless of the provider you've chosen. Keep in mind though that hospitals and doctors charge different rates; it might be a good idea to compare rates before deciding on which hospital or doctor to go to.
How are the premiums calculated?
Medical Insurance is an insurance product and the monthly premiums are calculated based on risk. The potential member's age, health status and/or income are taken into account.
Who is eligible for Medical Insurance?
With Medical Insurance, risk factors such as age, health status and/or income are taken into account and potential members can be turned away.
Will I get a waiting period?
Waiting periods are imposed at the Medical Insurance provider's discretion.
What is a late joiner penalty and does it apply to Medical Insurance?
Late joiner penalties do not apply to Medical Insurance. A Medical Aid can, however, apply a late joiner penalty to members who join a medical scheme later in life. Keep in mind though that having Medical Insurance does not mean that you have Medical Aid, and if you later decide to join a Medical Aid, you could likely pay a late joiner penalty.
Can I belong to a Medical Aid and also have Medical Insurance?
Yes. Medical Insurance can complement a Medical Aid policy in order to ensure that you and your loved ones are covered should you end up in hospital.
Do I need to undergo a medical examination before obtaining a Medical Insurance policy?
This will depend on the chosen Medical Insurance provider. Some providers will require you to undergo an HIV test before a Medical Insurance policy is granted.

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