Health - FAQ's For Pet Insurance

What Is Pet medical insurance?
Pet insurance is peace of mind for pet owners who want assistance in reducing the cost of the veterinary bills for their pets.
What benefits does Pet medical Insurance offer?
Pet insurance covers veterinary treatments and surgeries for accidental injury and illnesses ranging from minor incidents such as ear infections and bee stings to major conditions such as broken bones, diabetes and cancer. It  also provides cover towards preventative care such as vaccinations, spaying, flea, tick and worm control, sterilization and teeth cleaning when you select the relevant cover.
How does Pet medical insurance work?
Once your vet has treated your pet, simply send in a claim form along with your vet's detailed account and proof of payment. The pet insurance company then calculates the benefit and pays you directly. It is as simple as that.

Note: Benefits are paid according to the insurance company Benefit Schedule which is based on the South African Veterinary Council Guideline of Fees.
What is not covered?
Like most insurance policies there are some exclusions to keep your premiums low. These include: pregnancy, elective procedures, foods/diets, grooming, behavioural problems, tick paralysis, hereditary and congenital defects, and pre-existing conditions that showed clinical signs before taking out the insurance.
Can my pet visit any vet I choose?
Yes, you can use any Veterinarian who is licenced to practice in South Africa.
Are there any age limits for the insurance?
There is no age limit for Accidental Injury Cover but no pet under the age of 8 weeks or older than 8 years can enrol on the Plan 100 or Plan 80. Once enrolled, cover may be kept for life.
When will my policy start and when can I claim?
Your membership will start on the first day of the month after your application has been accepted by us. You may make a claim for conditions which arise one calendar month after this date.
What is an Accidental Injury?
A physical or bodily injury that happens accidentally to your pet as a result of external, violent and visible means for example: broken bones, snake bite, dog/cat fight.
What is an Illness?
An Illness means an unexpected sickness or disease or any change to your pet's normal healthy state, which is not caused by injury to your pet. For example: upset stomach, skin conditions, ear infection.
Does Pet medical insurance offer benefits towards preventative treatment?
Yes, they recommend and encourage responsible pet ownership. This includes spaying your pet, annual vaccination, deworming, etc.
Does my pet have to have a microchip or tattoo to claim?
Yes, this provides permanent identification and acts as your pet's Medical Aid Card, allowing you to utilize any vet countrywide.
Does the policy provide cover for Euthanasia?
Not all companies will provide cover for euthanasia, please check the relevant documentation.

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