Read About Medical - Cat Obedience Tips

Cat obedience training should be started from the first weeks your pet starts living with you. Even though cats are considered very independent animals, they can still be taught how to behave. Given that pets do not understand human speech, you should be aware that reinforcing desirable behavior in your cat is mostly a result of lots of attention and rewards, rather than verbal explanation and punishment.


Cat Obedience Tips

When you decide to get a cat, the most important thing is that he knows the rules of the house. Cats can easily destroy things and mess your house unless taught otherwise. Keep in mind that training has the best results if you base it on rewards: whenever your cat behaves properly, you should give him a reward.


It's easy to become angry when the cat thinks the carpet is his litter box, if he starts climbing the curtains or jumps on the kitchen table. However, inflicting pain on your pet will not correct undesirable behavior, but it might cause fear and may destroy your relationship with your pet.


Cats have a natural need to please their owner; therefore, training them is not that difficult.


Rewards in Cat Obedience Training

Cats respond best to food and treats (in most cases). However, food can only be used as a reward if the cat is hungry, otherwise the cat can ignore it. You should come up with an alternative reward. Think of an activity that your cat likes or a toy he prefers, and use that as a reward every time you wish to note good behavior. Keep in mind that your cat learns by association, so if you give him a reward for good behavior, he will associate that behavior with something good happening to him. Every time your cat behaves as you want him to, reward him and praise him.


Managing Bad Behavior

Ignoring bad behavior, contrasted with rewarding desirable behavior, will help your pet understand better what he is allowed to do and what is unacceptable. Therefore, when the cat uses the litter for urination, you should praise him. But when he eliminates on the carpet or in other places in the house, you should ignore it and possibly use a disproving tone.


Apply the same technique when the cat is climbing the curtains or the kitchen table. Just take your cat off, put him somewhere else and ignore him totally. The cat should learn that if he keeps his feet on the ground he is praised and if he climbs on things he is ignored.


Lifelong Training for Cat Obedience

If you start training your kitten when he is very young, you will have a very well-behaved cat and you will be happy to have him around. However, cat training is a continuous process with rewards and praises.


Read more: Cat Obedience Tips - VetInfo

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