How to Make a Car Insurance Claim

Whether you’ve recently been in a fender bender or you’d just like to know how to make a claim on your car insurance for future reference, is here to give you all the information you need to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

Once you’re clear on whether the damage is worth claiming for and whether you’re covered for the incident, it’s time to get down to making the actual claim. Here’s everything you need to do depending on your specific insurer’s requirements:

Steps to Make a Car Insurance Claim

  1. Collect Information: Gather key details about the incident.
  2. Document the Incident: Take photos and draw a sketch of the scene.
  3. File a Police Report: Head to the police station to get a case number.
  4. Contact Your Insurer: Report the incident and get all the documentation you need.
  5. Meet the Claims Adjuster: Arrange vehicle inspection and provide any necessary information.

1. Collect Information

The first thing you’ll want to do after being involved in an incident is gather key details about the events.

If there was another driver or person involved, that would include their name, contact details, and insurance information. The same goes for anyone who might have witnessed the incident.

2. Document the Incident

A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially on police reports and insurance claims. Take photos of the damage to your vehicle and any person or property. Then draw a sketch of the scene and note down all road signs, markings, and other details.

3. File a Police Report

Head to the nearest police station to file a report and obtain a case number. This step is crucial for processing your insurance claim.

4. Contact Your Insurer

It’s time to get in touch with your insurance company. Most insurers have 24/7 claims hotlines that you can call to initiate the claims process.

When you contact your insurer, have the following information ready:

Your insurer will send you necessary forms to fill out. Complete these and submit along with any required documentation.

5. Meet the Claims Adjuster

An insurance adjuster will be assigned to your claim. They may inspect the damage to your vehicle or assess it based on the evidence you provide, such as photos.

What Happens After I Claim?

Your insurer will either approve or reject your claim. If approved:

For repairs, you may need to obtain multiple quotes or go to a specific auto shop as per your insurer's instructions.

When Should I Make a Car Insurance Claim?

Knowing when to claim from your insurance company is crucial. Factors to consider include:

Excess and Its Impact

Excess is the portion of the bill you must pay to repair or replace your car. It helps:

To decide whether to claim, weigh the repair cost against your excess payment.

Will Claiming Affect My Premiums?

Yes, making a claim can impact your premiums. The frequency and nature of claims affect your risk profile and thus your premiums.

Consider add-ons like tyre and rim guard or scratch and dent cover to prevent minor claims.


Understanding the car insurance claims process is essential for every vehicle owner. Be prepared with the right information and documentation to ensure a smooth claims process.

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