A Happy Holiday on a Shoestring Budget

If you’re staying home and not travelling this Easter season, you might have a little FOMO if some of your loved ones are going away for the long weekend.


Don’t let it get you down. There are still magical things you can do with your family to make it extra special and that won’t break the bank. In fact, some of them won’t cost any money at all.


Fun holidays at home


Say it with Cake


Baking a cake and whipping up a few special Easter treats is sure to drive the holiday blues away. Easter eggs are a traditional holiday delight for many but they can be pricey. A homemade chocolate egg not only costs less, but you can get the kids involved to make it a family activity. Get a recipe for homemade chocolate eggs here.


Uplift the Less Fortunate


Easter is the perfect time to help those less fortunate and teach the young ones the value of being generous and selfless. You could volunteer at an animal shelter or visit an old-age home, along with some of those homemade chocolate eggs. Making others feel terrific will make you feel terrific.


Wrapped presents with, string, lavender scissors and ribbons.


Personalised Gift Baskets


Get creative and give your loved ones a personalised gift basket using items and resources you already have. For example, compile a playlist of special music for someone – it’s personal, thoughtful, and won’t cost much. Make homemade body scrub – all you need is brown sugar, granulated white sugar, sunflower oil, vanilla extract, and a jar or container to put it all into. Painting eggs is a beloved tradition; give the kids creative freedom to do this and add their own touch to an Easter basket.


Movie Night


Who doesn’t love a cosy movie night in, snuggled up on the couch with your nearest and dearest, and a giant bowl of popcorn?


Give a Voucher


A gift voucher doesn’t need to cost a cent! Create a voucher booklet that your loved ones can redeem at any time for something special, such as an extra story at bedtime for the kids, cooking your partner’s favourite meal, or coffee in bed when it’s not your turn to get up first.


Being kind, considerate, and thoughtful costs very little but means so much to someone else. However, even with these budget-friendly ideas, Easter can be an expensive time of the year for many families. If you need a little extra financial help these holidays, a personal loan could give you the breathing room you need to get back on your feet.


Prices quoted are correct at the time of publishing this article. The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or medical advice.


Source: Pie Birds

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