How to Navigate the Job Hunt in 2017

How to Navigate the Job Hunt in 2017 | Personal Loan |


Often with a new year comes fresh starts and new resolutions, and if you’re feeling unhappy at work, the beginning of the year might be the best time to make a job, or even a career, change happen. Whether you’ve just finished matric, need a fresh routine or are unhappy with your current salary and have been relying on a Personal Loan to make ends meet, the job hunting process can be rather daunting if you don’t know where to start. With the help of a career expert, we lay out a few top tips to help you through the process, and increase your chances of getting a new job this year.


1. Polish your CV and online profiles


The first representation of you a potential employer or recruitment agency will see is your CV and your online profile, most likely, LinkedIn. If you’re seriously thinking about getting a new job, these two profiles need to look and read as professional and enticing as possible. According to The Muse, more than 90% of recruiters turn to LinkedIn as their first search for a new employee.


So ensure both your CV and your LinkedIn profile are up to date with your latest work experience, skills gained and education, and you’ll be on your way to ensuring that when someone looks for your particular expertise, your name will come up on their search list. Not only do they need to be up to date, but also display impeccable spelling and grammar. This portrays a level of professionalism and keen attention to detail potential employers will appreciate.


2. Do your research


Before diving head first into job applications, spend time finding information on companies that you’d be interested in working for, look for job opportunities within these companies and narrow down the types of jobs you would love to take on. You’ll start to figure out exactly what kind of job will suit your skills and personality. Once you’ve narrowed down your potential career paths, and you find a position or a few positions you’d like to apply for, make sure you read through and understand all the skills and experience they’re looking for. Remember, your CV and LinkedIn profiles aren’t set in stone, so tailor each towards the job you’re applying for by placing specific phrases and words to match yourself up perfectly to the position.


Job Interview | Personal Loan |


3. Put yourself out there


Mywage South Africa, who forms part of the international WageIndicator Foundation, which focuses on salaries, minimum wages, labour laws and careers advises that, “social media is your friend in 2017. Reports are that sites such as Facebook are being used almost as much as Google to track news and updates. So work with this. Make sure your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts are professional (no debauched photographs, for a start!) – prospective employers will look you up. Follow recruitment sites and employment agencies to find out when and who they are hiring. And put the word out via your own channels – tell people who you are and what you are looking for.”


4. Prepare for the interview


Once an interview opportunity comes your way, step into it prepared. Think about the types of questions you could be asked, and formulate well-thought-out answers. Also think of questions you’d like to ask the interviewer, this not only portrays your interest in the job, but also a level of pro activity on your part. It’s never a bad idea to ask a friend to practise with you, you might get a different perspective on how to answer questions or they might recommend a question to ask that you might not have thought about before. Apart from preparing for the actual interview, make sure you’re dressed appropriately and find out exactly where your interview is and how to get there, this will ensure that you are comfortable, relaxed and on time.


Remember, don’t get despondent if you don’t land your dream job immediately. Job hunting can be a difficult and time-consuming task, and finding a position to suit your wants and needs won’t happen on the first day. So keep these tips in mind, talk to friends about their experiences and you won’t be alone in the process of finding the right job for you.

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